Welcome to Interan.com.
This is the Dev Site for the Tarrant Cluster Tracking System.
Here we will develop and deploy a system for tracking cluster progress.
As well as develop other Ajax techniques.

CGI Test HelloWorld
CGI Test Env Vars
CGI Test Generic Query
Ajax Test Ajax Test
Ajax Test Ajax Table Test
Table Add Print Edit Delete
Clusters Add Cluster Print Clusters Edit Clusters Delete Clusters
Cities Add City Print Cities
Print Cities in Cluster
Edit Cities Delete Cities
Addresses Add Address Print Addresses
Print Addresses in Cluster
Edit Addresses Delete Addresses
People Add Person Print People Edit People Delete People
Event Types Add Event Type Print Event Types Edit Event Types Delete Event Types
Events/Course Add Event or Course Print Events or Course Edit Events or Course Delete Events or Course
Class Days Add Class Day Print Class Day Edit Class Day Delete Class Day
Registration Add Registration Print Registration Edit Registration Delete Registration
Attendance Add Attendance Print Attendance Edit Attendance Delete Attendance
to find out how many are registered for Book2 in NRH select count (*) from registration,events, people,addresses where events.name='Ruhi Book 2' and registration.event_fkey=events.said and registration.people_fkey=people.said and people.address_fkey=addresses.said and addresses.city_fkey='North Richland Hills'
to find out who is registered for Book2 in NRH select * from registration,events, people,addresses where events.name='Ruhi Book 2' and registration.event_fkey=events.said and registration.people_fkey=people.said and people.address_fkey=addresses.said and addresses.city_fkey='North Richland Hills'
to get a list of people and addresses select * from people, addresses where people.address_fkey=addresses.said

All information on this site is copyright 2006 Tarrant Cluster ATC. If you have any questions or comments contact Webmaster.